Alert/report tree structure

This web page is a work in progress about 60% done as of 3/10/11. Click here to send comments or questions.

Below is a Google Map of Marrowstone Island divided into five (5) Sections. The one red "balloon" indicates the MI EC (Owen Mulkey). You can click on a shaded Section to get more information. You may want to click on the link below the map to see a slightly larger version. Use your cursor to relocate the map. (Edit map - Restricted)

View MI Emergency Preparedness Sections in a larger map

Below is the communication tree structure. Please find your Section and Area below and click on the link to volunteer to fill a coordinator position. Click here to view a list of responsibilities for each coordinator.

A neighborhood consists of around 5 units (families). We need five Section Coordinators (SCs), 25 Area Coordinators (ACs), and 125 Neighborhood Coordinators (NCs) and alternates for all. 

You will see a link called "Map" after each Section name below. It will take you to the Google Map for that Section. Currently, the only active Map links are Sections E and NE.

Marrowstone Island Liaison to Jefferson County EOC - Owen Mulkey (MI EC) 385-5374 cell 301-0449 Alt: Paul Heinzinger 385-0772 and Aaron Benson 385-5286.

(Google Doc - Temp link)