MIEP Ham (MIEP Amateur radio network)


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The purpose of the MIEP Ham network

The purpose of the MI Emergency Preparedness Ham network (MIEP-HAM) is to furnish communications in the event of natural disaster, when regular communications fail or are inadequate. (See JC ARES/RACES)

Current frequency lists

As of 2/12/2016, a new frequency list is under construction.

Non HAMS (read only)


Current MIEP HAMs

Current list and map of MIEP HAM operators

Team Plan of Action


Weekly check-ins

Our Baofeng radios

Manual (PDF) and Programming our Baofeng radios

Items most of us may be purchasing (some in bulk)

Next HAM class

AA7MI repeater

Marrowstone Island Emergency Preparedness conducts emergency radio operations over the AA7MI repeater, which is owned and maintained by the Marrowstone Island Amateur Radio Club (MIARC).  The repeater is located at Twin Vista Ranch on Marrowstone Island, an agricultural extension of Washington State University. 


AA7MI is privately owned, however its use is not restricted. It is available to the general public using the following radio frequency and settings:


Frequency: 440.725 MHz 

Tx Offset: +5 MHz 

CTCSS: 114.8 

HAM/FRS Radio Network on MI

As of 12/10/2014 (per this new restricted MIEP DB) there are:

Note: While viewing the DB, click on "Data", then "Filter View", then "HAM/FRS Network".

Future MIEP hams

Mailing list



Interesting articles

Procedural Signals (Prosigns)