Six Sections

This web page is a work in progress about 80% done as of 3/24/11. Click here to send comments or questions.

Below is a Google Map of Marrowstone Island divided into six (6) Sections. The one red "balloon" indicates the location and information about Marrowstone Island's Emergency Coordinator (MI EC) Owen Mulkey)

You can click on some shaded Sections (NW, NE, and E) to get more information. You may want to click on the link below the map to see a slightly larger version. Use your cursor to relocate the map. (Edit map - Restricted)

Scan the list of  "Addresses" in the six (6) Sections below and find your Section. Click on the link next to the SC or Alt. for your Section, if you want to volunteer for that position. SC and Alt. responsibilities are listed below the map.

The Marrowstone Island Liaison to Jefferson County EOC is Owen Mulkey (MI EC) 385-5374 cell 301-0449 The alternates are Paul Heinzinger 385-0772 and Aaron Benson 385-5286.

Responsibilities of Section Coordinator (SC) and alternate

Click here to view the Responsibilities of Section Coordinator (SC) and alternate.

Periodic post to the Island Net

MIEP: Call for volunteer Section Coordinators and alternates within your Section

The MI Emergency Preparedness Team has divided Marrowstone Island into six (6) Sections in order to facilitate communication within neighborhoods.

Please click on this link to view them then scan the list of  "Addresses" in the six (6) Sections to find your Section.

Click on the link in your Section that asks you to volunteer to be a Section Coordinator (SC) or an alternate.

Area Coordinators (AC) and Neighborhood Coordinators (NC) and alternates are also needed within your Section. Please contact your SC or alternate if you would like to help. (See Section, Area, Neighborhood Coordinators and alternates for a list of responsibilities.)

Thank you,


385-0105 Cell: 360-808-0766

MI EP Team

(Posted 3/17;  )